A woman in a heart felt conversation with her child

As parents, we frequently deal with a never-ending list of duties, including raising our children, working, and fulfilling social commitments. Among all of these, parents often ask themselves, “Am I spending enough time with my children?” How much quality time do we spend with our kids?

We sometimes confuse quantity for quality because we think spending much time with our children will make us feel good. The truth is, the number of hours is not what counts, but the connection with them.

What is Quality time?

It simply means being physically and emotionally present. It allows us to absorb the moment, connect, talk, listen, and engage in our children’s activities. This, in turn, builds strong bonds between parents and children.

I used to do this until I discovered a more effective method of developing heart-to-heart relationships with my kids. I deliberately set my phone aside to be present with them. I do that to keep our bonding periods free from interruptions and distractions.

Why Should You Choose Quality Over Quantity?

  1. Quality time with children helps them become emotionally intelligent by teaching love, kindness, empathy, and self-expression.
  2. Spending time with your children creates lasting memories, showing them love and that they matter. Engage with them by reading their favourite books, holding conversations, and sharing their jokes.
  3. Building trust forms the foundation of meaningful relationships. Spending time with children communicates safety and trust, helping them grow into confident adults.

How Can We Prioritise Quality Time?

  1. Share in their activities—like their games, unstructured play, and reading their favourite books with them.
  2. Be present; give your children your undivided attention by listening emphatically when they speak.

Our children will not remember the expensive gifts or vacations. They will rather enjoy the memories they make with us, such as the frequent hugs, bedtime stories, family game time, and movie nights.


Creating meaningful memories and being both physically and emotionally present can strengthen your bonds with your children, helping to boost their confidence. Do you feel guilty about not spending enough quality time with them? There is no need to feel that way. Remember, we are all here to grow and support one another. If you haven’t started creating memories, now is the perfect time. Give your children your undivided attention, engage in their activities, and consistently show them through your words and actions that they matter.

 “The stories we create today will shape who our children will become in the future.”.

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